Shortly about the most important

Higher consciousness is a consciousness without awareness and a conscious person. It is a deepness of the moment, here and now. It is the moment itself. It is beginning and end of everything. It is a pure being.

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Unconditional love is love without the intention to own the object of love. Real awareness is impossible until the unconditional love is opened; until this moment, it is not awareness but rather a concentration of attention.

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Peace of mind is possible only together with unconditional love, because unconditional love removes inner contradictions and unites opposites. Through unconditional love a person gets rid of duality.

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All people evaluate the world based on the earned experience, which is based on the law of reason and consequences. That is why it is better not to discuss, judge, or give advices until the pure vision, which is separated from the law of reason and consequences, appears.

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Person has a true opinion only about himself, everything else are just attributes that support this opinion

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Everything that a person represents is a work of other people. Birth - is a work of parents, knowledge - is a work of teachers, self-affirmation is also impossible without others. So, every opinion about yourself is just an opinion of the ego, and there is nothing real behind it.

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A person is inventing tasks for himself and attaches importance to them, because he feels bad, but instead of just figuring out why he feels bad, he invents new tasks. And if he feels lonely, he is searching for another person, but not a reason of loneliness. That's why a person is weak and not free.

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Every life situation, which unbalances us, touches our Ego.  But the ego moves the attention to some Inner object, trying to move the consciousness away from understanding, that the ego itself is a source of problems.

Because when you understand it, you will want to get rid of it.

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Absolutely all wishes of a person are driven by the search of satisfaction and total calmness.   But the ego connects wishes to the outer objects, moving us from understanding that satisfaction and freedom are always inside us. Soul is a source of unlimited energy for the ego. It won’t survive without this energy. That's why it makes everything possible, in order to make a person  constantly search for happiness and not simply to be happy.

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In principle, person can't suffer from loneliness, because in this world he is not lonely. He suffers from the fact that he does not feel connection to this world, does not feel himself as a part of the world. And he does not feel it, because he intentionally closes his heart, because he is afraid to be opened.

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Real communication happens in silence, because the language of the soul is silence. Everything else is just an exchange of information or running away from loneliness. Learn to listen to the silence and then you will hear God.

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Life does not have meaning or aim, because life does not need them, as it is already life. It did not exist in the past, as it will not exist in the future, because it is present.

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Truth is not born in dispute; it is born in the silence of the mind. And dispute is a result of inner contradictions, inner fights. In order to stop this fight, you should open up the unconditional Love, while only unconditional love brings peace to the mind and makes a person really happy.

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